Zaad is concerned with applying the highest
levels of quality control of garlic, as this crop is subject to its
international standards that ensure that it remains fresh and has perfect
specifications. The resources of experts we own know the procedures to take
proper care of the garlic crop, from timely watering to professional, modern
processing and storing where temperature, humidity and, ventilation taking into
consideration, in addition to the best packaging materials and more to provide
our customers with the best garlic crops in the world.
Egyptian Garlic, Why?
The Egyptian garlic holds a significant
position and an excellent reputation in the world. Egypt occupies fourth in the
world in the production of garlic after China, India, and Bangladesh. More than
280,000 tons of garlic are produced annually and exported to many Arab,
European, and African countries in large quantities in crops or powder. One of
the most distinguishing features of Egyptian garlic is its superior quality,
ideal sizes.